Rule Element Modifiers

Each rule element can be followed by optional element modifiers.  Element modifiers can be used for both the suggested element (_SUGG) and the phrase of elements (_PHRASE) on the right-hand side of a rule.

Element modifiers place constraints on how elements in a rule are matched. For example, if you want to specify that the rule matcher should match a specific element in the phrase of elements on a rule's right-hand side first, you would use the trigger element modifier with the rule element.

The modifier must be enclosed in square brackets [ ] after the element. The element modifier is made up of a key (the modifier name itself) and sometimes a value. A value can be a parenthesized list, a name or number. Some element modifiers do not have values. Some examples follow:

_xWILD [s one match=(_adj _noun \n)]

hello [rename=_hello]

For a list of element modifiers used with the suggest rule element, see Suggested Element Modifiers. For a list of element modifiers for the phrase of elements, see Phrase Element Modifiers.

WARNING: When writing lists for an element modifier, we recommend not enclosing them in double quotes, since they are not treated as strings. E.g., write [match=(_adj _adv)] rather than [match=("_adj" "_adv")].

See Also

Rule Syntax