
The major components of the VisualText™ user interface (or Main Window) are called out below.

Apart from the Main Menu, you can resize and "undock" (i.e., move about) the components shown.

Interface Components

A short description of each of the interface components is given below.



Main Menu

Functions accessed via pulldown menus.  The Main Menu includes the following menus:  File, Edit, Analyzer, KB, View, Browser, Parse Tree, Tools, Window, Help.

Tab Window

Controls access to the sample hierarchy, analyzer sequence and text data files.

Log Window

Displays processing information and error messages.

Find Window

Displays search information.


Area where input and output files, the knowledge base and tree structures are displayed and manipulated.

Main Toolbar

Commonly used functions accessed by buttons.

Tab Toolbar

Iconic functions for the Tab Window.

Browser Toolbar

World Wide Web access and browser control.

Workspace Toolbar

Iconic access to the Analyzer, Knowledge Base, and more.

Debug Toolbar

Functions to examine parse trees, intermediate files, and output files.

In addition to these objects, popup menus appear when you select a window and right-click the mouse. See Popup Menus for detailed description of available functions from popup menus.