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Links to Papers

Here you will find links to papers and abstracts by students and architects of NLP++.


  • Low-resource Medical Coding of Hospital Discharge Summaries” (to be published) – Aston Williamson
  • Scalable Analysis of English Dictionary Files on HPCC Systems Big Data Platform” – Adarsh U, Jayanth C, David de Hilster, Hugo Watanuki
Adarsh U and Jayanth C along with Professors Shobha and Jyoti Shetty from RSVE University in India presenting their paper in a conference in Japan in early 2024.


Pedro Rodrigues during his presentation of his project involving sentiment analysis of tweets at the 30th annual symposium SIICUSP.


Papers by Amnon Meyers – 1980s

Papers by David de Hilster – 1980s

MUC: Message Understanding Conferences – 1991-1992

The Message Understanding Conferences (MUC) for computing and computer science, were initiated and financed by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to encourage the development of new and better methods of information extraction. The character of this competition, many concurrent research teams competing against one another—required the development of standards for evaluation, e.g. the adoption of metrics like precision and recall.

Authors Amnon Meyers and David de Hilster participated in 1991 and 1992 with Amnon Meyers being instrumental in helping coordinate these first conferences. Motivated by the VOX system, DARPA and Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC) launched the MUC series of workshops.
